Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress
Saturday 8.15.20 9:00AM with Coach Shane
Warm Up:
Book openers x8
Figure 4 glute bridges x8
Lateral lunge + samson stretch x4ea
Hamstring + hip flexor stretch x8ea
Squat pry + OH reaches x8ea
Calf raises x8
Ankle hops x8
Jumps x8
Squats x8
Squat jumps x8
3 rounds 10 reps ea.
Goblet Squats
Inchworm to pushup
Split Squat
Pistol Squat
OH press
Hip Dips
180 plyo jumps
Squat to press OH
Downward pushups to Hip Extension
KB swings
MTN climbers
Squat Jumps