Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Saturday 8.820 9:00AM with Coach Shane

Michael August 8, 2020

Warm Up:
Book openers x8
Figure 4 glute bridges x8
Lateral lunge + samson stretch x4ea
Hamstring + hip flexor stretch x8ea
Squat pry + OH reaches x8ea
Calf raises x8
Ankle hops x8
Jumps x8
Squats x8
Squat jumps x8

3 rounds 10 reps ea

Pop squats
Plank Jacks
OH RB Squats

RB pull aparts
Single leg RDL --- long Jump
Side planks fwd/rev taps

KB squats - every 3rd jump
KB DL - every 3rd jump
KB split squat

Cross plank Crunches
KB marching
